get started

Class Registration

Follow the steps below to register for the upcoming year of dance at Westshore Dance Studios:

Register Early For Next Year

Pre-Registration Closes June 30th​

New Students / Help Choosing Classes:

If you are a new student OR are not sure what classes to sign up for, please fill out the contact form below and we will help you register. Let us know your child’s dance experience, background, and what styles you want to enroll in.

Registration Form:

Before You Begin:

If you are a new student OR are not sure what classes to sign up for, please fill out the contact form above and we will help you register.

Recital Commitment

When agreeing to have your child participate in recital 2025, it is mandatory that they are present for technical and dress rehearsal and both shows. Attendance is also imperative at this time as technical elements and cleaning the choreography are the focus of the class. Missed classes are not only detrimental to the student absent but the rest of the group as well.

Photo Use

Photos taken during classes, recitals, and photo day will be used on our website and in our marketing to showcase our dance classes. These photos help showcase our studio. To opt out please select the option below.

Waiver Of Subrogation

I hereby assume all of the risks arising out of, incidental to, or in any way connected with my participation in dancing lessons, performances and competitions provided by Westshore Dance Studios and/or teachers under the school’s employment, included, but not limited to, any risks which are not foreseeable. On behalf of my family, heirs, executors and administrators and myself, I hereby release the school and teachers mentioned above, it’s owners, directors, officers, employees or agents from any and all liability and any and all claims, demands and causes of action of any kind and nature whatsoever which I or my heirs, administrators, executors, or members of my family may have arising out of, incidental to or in any way connected with, my participation in any lessons, performances and competitions.

All classes are once per week unless otherwise noted.
If you are in need of help picking classes please fill out the contact form above.
Learn more about Company Academy requirements here.

After Completing The Form:

You will receive a confirmation email with the dance classes you selected listed. Please note: Registration payment includes $50 registration fee and September & June class fees (we require one months written notice of discontinuation). Each additional family member must pay a $30 registration fee.

Initial payment must be submitted at time of registration and following monthly payments are due the first of each month.

Costs are calculated using the fees and discounts listed below, please calculate your fees and e-transfer according to the Payment section.

When Do Classes Start?

Classes begin the week of September 10th. Preregistration closes June 30th and class fees will increase!

How Are Fees Calculated?

Fees are based on a year and broken into equal monthly payments. All classes are once per week unless otherwise noted.

30 min – $69
45 min – $79
60 min – $85
75 min – $89
90 min – $92

Discounts For Multiple Classes

If a student attends 3 classes per week, the 3rd class is 25% off. If a student attends 5 classes per week the 3rd class is 25% off and the 5th class is 50% off. $395 is our maximum monthly payment. Once this is reached, a student can take any other classes pertaining to their age and ability at no extra charge. Once a family member is at full capacity, then any additional family members can take as many classes as they eligible to take for $130 per month.

Registration Fees

Registration payment includes $50 registration fee and September & June class fees
(we require one months written notice of discontinuation).

Class Payment Instructions

Payment can be made by either cheque or e-transfer to [email protected] (please be sure to include student and parent/guardians first and last name as well as the payment month in the memo of the e transfer to ensure payment is credited your child). Costume fees must not be sent to this email – fees sent to incorrect account are subject to a $20 administration fee .

Postdated cheques October-May (mailed to 2570 Mill Hill Rd, Victoria BC, V9B 4X7 or brought to first class)

Costume Payment Instructions

Due November 1st – Costume deposit of $105 per style.  Any deposits received after Nov. 1st are subject to a $10 late fee (not applied to costumes).

Payment can be made by either e-transfer to [email protected] or cheque. Do not send costume fees to class fees email – fees sent to incorrect account are subject to a $20 administration fee

WDS 2024 - 2025 Schedule

Registration Submitted!

Your registration form has been emailed to our office. Please check your inbox for confirmation and payment instructions.

Don’t see the email? Check your Spam folder first, then contact us!